Author: Momma
It was a very emotional day yesterday so I didn't get a chance to update the good news! After about 6 hours from the death of the two kittens, Belle decided to have one more kitten!! And this one seems to be doing well. He's all black with a tiny little bit of maybe 4 white hairs on the tip of his tail. He's about 24 hours old and has a very very loud voice! He lets Belle know when he's hungry and when he's cold.
Belle still insisted on trying to bring the kitten into the litterbox and I just didn't think it was a very sanitary or good place to nurse him. So I took him out of the litterbox and in with some towels. Belle instantly went and got him and put him back in the litterbox! So I took the lid off the litterbox, and put it on top of the towels. That seems to be what she wanted. She wanted a roof over her and the baby!
I am concerned though as its been 24 hours since the birth of her last baby and she still has some discharge. I don't remember this with the other momma cats I've fostered. Should I take her into the vet? She doesn't seem to be in any physical discomfort, but its still gross and not very hygenic I would think.