I totally didn'ts put the bitey on it. I promise! Looks into my golden innocent eyes!
(bys the way, Belle is totally stealing my bloggie today!!!)
I mean if you look reals carefully, you can see Napoleon is trying not to look Momma in the eye. That meezer face is really saying he dids it! He tolds me so too.
Hey! I dids no such things you big liars!! Momma you knows I didn'ts do it, right??
Um, Momma you beens reading his bloggies stuff and he says he totally wants to takes over the world and do whatever he cans to get back at you foor going on long trips all the time. So who do you thinks dids the damage? Sweet Innocent Belle, or Evil World Domination Mastermind Napoleon??
Kids, I think I'm staying out of this one....
Yeah, you alls know she believed me and nots Napoleon. I'm a precious girly kitty, so I'ms always right.
No, Momma didn't want to talk abouts it cause she is planning on a another trip! And she nose that if I nose it she is goings away again, I is gonna have to put the bitey on alots of things.
Wait,huh, what? Momma you isn't going no wheres is you? Sweet pathetic me can'ts live with these rough boys withouts you!! You can'ts go no where, or I shall haves to do some biteyings of my own!!!!
Sounds like Momma is going away till the 4th. She says she is gonna try and let us blog once in awhiles while she be gone...but I don'ts believe her. If you wants us to visit your bloggie while Momma is away, you has to leave us a comment, so we can track back to yours bloggie, cause otherwise I'll have to put the bitey on your bloggies. Evil Meezer Domination Mastermind away....