October 18, 2006

I made the photos smaller so I could fit them all in. You can click on them to biggify them.

MeiLin comes over to say hi to Murphy.

Murphy pretends to ignore MeiLin, maybe she'll go away.

AW, Come on, MeiLin just wants to play a little!!

Well if Murphy won't play, maybe MeiLin can grab a nap with him instead

Notice their little paws touching? Isn't that the cutest??

October 17, 2006

Murphy eating his stinky goodness. Yummy for his tummy!

Do you know that MeiLin refuses to eat stinky goodness food? Isn't that the oddest thing? She will sniff it and look at it, but she doesn't eat it. Until today, I came around the corner and saw her nibbling on some of Murphy's food. AhHA! I knew it, no kitty can resist the stinky goodness!! She just had to take her time about it. Poor Murphy isn't sure about sharing his food, cause he's so old he hasn't gotten any teeth anymore...but as long as he gets a full bowl, I guess he won't miss a mouthful here and there. :)

October 14, 2006

The first day at my mothers home went well. MeiLin sniffed around the whole house and explored everywhere.

The trouble started the next morning. My grandmother woke up before me, so she went out to get the newspaper. Murphy (my mom's cat) is allowed to go in and out whenever he wants. MeiLin is NOT allowed to go outside. Grandmother has Alzheimers and can't always distinguish between different people or cats. So, long story short...she let MeiLin out. I wasn't dressed yet, so I threw on my old clothes from the day before...messy hair, no shower...and ran outside frantically calling for MeiLin. I went to the end of the street and called and called. She was no where in sight. I'm not ashamed to admit I starting bawling. Tears streaming down my face I called and called for her, I decided to head back up to the house.

Get dressed properly and get shoes on so I could start a systematic search of the neighborhood. I knew she had only been gone 5 minutes, so she couldn't be too far. She would be lost and have no idea that this place was our temporary home and she should come back here. I was crying and so frantic. I came back up to the house, and out of the rosebushes and rhodedendroms out comes this adorable precious MeiLin. I scooped her up and brought her back in the house. WHEW!!!!!!! Thank goodness. Though my whole saga only lasted 5 minutes or so, but it felt like a lifetime and I just couldn't go through that again. Today we are going to go to the pet store and get her a proper collar and nametag with my name and number on it, just to be on the safe side.

October 13, 2006

Today I start my 10 day stay at my mothers home while she is in sunny Costa Rica! I'll be petsitting Murphy, my aunts kitty Curly Tail and be taking care of my grandmother. MeiLin (the newest addition) shall be going with me on my trip...but Empress and Ceasar are staying here. Not to worry, the nice teen that lives across the street will be feeding them and petting them (if they let her) while I'm gone. I'd bring my outdoor kitties with me, but I'm afraid they wouldn't like being confined to a strange house. They won't even come into the nice house we've lived at since May. I keep telling them they won't have a choice when it gets cold, I'm gonna snatch them up and bring them inside anyway! I tried that last winter...maybe I'll have better luck this year? At least I have a good sturdy shelter for them to come in out of the rain and occasional snow. But it would make me feel alot better if they would come inside the house.
MeiLin has tried to insist that since all the other kitties are outdoors that she should be able to go too...I pull up the curtains so she can sit in the window, but no way is she gonna ever gonna go back outside. I have too much of a struggle argueing with my outdoor kitties...I don't need to add another one that refuses to come back into the nice warm snuggly house.

Plus there aren't any beds outside that MeiLin can help me make.....

Guess what that lump is?

Even after I pulled the sheet up, she just wasn't about to move..lol. Eventually we agreed that I could finish putting the bed back together, but only if she got to sleep on it first.

October 12, 2006

Today I'm going to hand the blog over to MeiLin as she is very insistant that she can too type!

Things I've learned about my new 'bean and home, by MeiLin

I've learned lots of neat stuff! I wants to writes them all down so the other little kittys can learns as much as me!

1. The bean likes to stand in a white thing and let water run over her whole body! Even when I tried to rescue her she stayed in there! She thinks its cute to see my furry face peek around the curtain, she does NOT think its cute when I try to grab her to rescue her! Sigh, beans...who can understand them??

2. When the bean removes the fur from her legs, she does not mind me watching. She DOES mind if I try to check if that spayed-on-white-fluffy stuff on her legs is for eating. Yuck, why would you put stuff on your nice soft fur if you wasn't gonna lick it off real quick?? Bleck!!

3. Once the fur is off the bean, it is not ok to try to grab the sharp thing and attack it. I don't understand it, the sharp thing was mean and took all the bean's fur away...wouldn't you be mad at the sharp thing? Its ok though, I watched the bean and she stuck that mean sharp thing in a drawer where it can't get out to take her fur again.

4. There is a noisy thing that looks harmless. It is not! First it is real quiet and drags its tail all the way down the hallway. Then the bean comes and grabs the tail and shoves it in the wall! Serious, I saw her do it! Then she walks back down the hallways and touches the big black thingie...and it comes to life and starts to growl and moves all over! It stole all the nice white fur piles I've been leaving on the carpet and chairs. I put those there as pressies for my bean, and that noisy thing stole them!! Never fear, I saw the bean shove the noisy thing into a closet...so now its safe for me to leave fresh piles of fur pressies!

5. If your up on a counter, the bean will say "NO!" Don't worry though, if you stay up there for a few more minutes it means that your bean wants to play a quick game of catch-me. There is lots of fun then...the main trick is to sit there purrrfectly still and look at her all sweet. And then just as she comes a little closer, gracefully jump to the ground and make a quick dash to the nearest hiding spot! If the bean doesn't chase you, go back to the counter and start again. If she does chase you, even if its real slow, just keep moving to places she can't get to you. She'll get tired eventually and you'll win!

6. The bean does not like cold noses at 3am. The bean does not like cold noses at 4am. The bean does not like cold noses at 5am. The bean give in at 6am and lets you shove your cold face up close to hers, and then best of all she finally gets up to put more food in the bowl. It is important to remind the bean, that even if there is still food in the bowl...6am is the time for more to be in there.

Soon as I learns more stuff, I'm gonna sneak into the 'puter room and types again...you just watch!

Alright MeiLin, my turn for the computer...I have to check my email. No, don't worry I'll publish this for you. No, there's already plenty of food in the bowl....oh fine, I'll put more in.

October 11, 2006

As promised, more information about the furry invader! To start off, here is a photo of her admiring her cute self in the closet door mirror.

Yes, its hard to see her blurry self. But thats cause she never sits still. Unless its nap time....

Uh oh, have awakened the petite princess! Soon it shall be time to play again!!

Ok, so lets do a little introduction... The photos of the sweet little invader are of MeiLin. She is about 5-7 months old (guessing). She has a very sad little tale to tell.

One day a wonderfully kind lady was walking her dogs on a wooded path near her home. She paused in her walk, sure that she had heard something. Yes, there was definetly a very distressed sound coming from further ahead. She walked and walked and the sound got louder...MEOW!!! She came to a little scaredy kitty! The kind lady saw that there were no homes nearby that this kitty could belong to and so she scooped her up and walked all the way back home. The little lost and scared kitty curled up quite happily in her arms the whole way back. The very kind lady fed her and then made posters, put an ad in the newspaper, and put ads on the internet. Maybe, this kitty belonged to someone and they were desperatly looking for her? But her experiences in this area were telling her, that this poor adorable kitty had most likely been dumped! Yes, DUMPED out in the woods...all alone, use to being someones loved and pampered pet...how long do you think scared kitty would have lasted if the kind lady had not come and rescued her?

How did I end up with the kitty, you might be asking? Well, as many of you know I lost my darling Rajjah a few weeks ago. I've been very heartbroken and upset. I miss her so much. As more and more time passes and she doesn't come home I am beginning to accept that she might not be coming back. I decided a few days ago, that I needed to do something productive to help animals. I called a friend of mine who lives in a town I use to live in. She fosters tons of unwanted cats and kittens. I thought, maybe she could use an extra foster home...I would feed and care for some kitties and find them new homes...and some of the burden on this nice lady would be lifted. Usually she doesn't ask, but is always happy when I volunteer. And I thought, maybe if I'm doing something good and nice...maybe my heart won't hurt so much.
So I called up my friend, only to find out that there had been a very sick kitty that had some contagious disease. The person who dumped this cat out on my friends property probably knew about the illness...but didn't care enough to take their furry friend to the vet. :( So, very sad news...alot of the kittens and nursing mothers had gotten ill. My friend is fighting a very saddening battle, and has lost alot of the kittens. She thought it best that since I have cats at home, it would not be good to bring any of the cats from her home to mine...as the disease might still be contagious.

So now I was sad for myself, my aunt (who lost her kitty to old age), and for my friend who had lost some of her fosters. I really wanted to help, but I also didn't want to just adopt another cat...because there is no way that any kitty could replace Rajjah. There might be an addition...but never a replacement.

Back to the kind lady who had picked up scaredy little kitty. She had the advertisment online that said she had found a kitty. I saw that it was a few days old...and I thought, whatever happens to these lost and found kitties if someone doesn't claim them? Do they all find new homes with their rescuers or do they go to the pound?? So rather tentatively at first, I wrote to the kind lady and asked if anyone had claimed the kitty...and I offered my home just incase no one did.
It was a good thing that I did...because the kind lady has four kitties of her own as well as a beautiful dog and really wasn't looking to permanently adopt another kitty. I'm sure she would have found a loving and wonderful home for this kitty, but how much better for me...here is a kitty that was very obviously (at some point) loved, pampered, and cared for. All the furry one wants is to be loved, to be around you always. She has a tiney cute little meow, and a very affectionate nature. So, I get to take in a cat that has had a weirdly sad start to her young life...the kind lady has room in her home to take in another lost kitty in the future, at least for a few days till owners are found...and I get to introduce you all to MeiLin, the adorable and wonderful new addition to my family.

October 10, 2006

Something has invaded my home. I'm only able to catch quick glimpses, but I'm pretty sure its furry.

Yes, its definetly furry and cute!

October 8, 2006

I know I ran this photo before (the date is wrong on it, was just a few months ago), but its the only one I have. My Aunt's cat BooBoo sadly passed away last night. She knew he wasn't doing well and had planned on taking him to the vet in the morning to help make his passage easier, but he wasn't able to hold on and died in her arms. Please lots of prayers and purrs for her. This friday (the 12th)I was suppose to take care of Boo Boo and his brofur Curly Tail while my aunt went on a trip. She has prepaid for the trip so can't get out...but I know her heart will really be back at home.

Quick Post

I came across this site today, and it was soooooo freaking funny! Most of the stuff on there is so-so especially the songs/cartoons about the badgers...but there is one cartoon/song that is too cute! I put the link over on the right. Its the KENYA song. Watch it, listen to it over and over, and begin to sing the KENYA SONG!!! enjoy!

The link is over on the right hand side of the blog... under the links sections, but here it is in this post, just incase you missed it

  • October 5, 2006

    Even though he isn't my kitty, Pepper went on the nature walk with me, Ceasar, and Empress.

    October 4, 2006

    Went for a nature walk with the kitties yesterday. Here Empress Tao and Ceasar pose pretty on a fallen tree.

    October 3, 2006

    Here is Pepper, pretending to ignore the fuzzy fake mousey! You all know whats about to happen next?.....

    .............Yup, you guessed it...ATTACK!!!

    Sept. 30, 2006

    My mother bought me a seat cushion for my outside chair, guess who gets to use it? Here's a hint, its not me....lol

    First her royal Highness, Empress gets the comfy spot....

    Then she is dethroned and Ceasar takes his rightful place as king of the chair.

    Last and not least, the young upstart Pepper take over as a very sleepy ruler.

    Sept. 29, 2006

    I was talking with a neighbor the other day and I mentioned how much I'm missing Rajjah. They said there a person giving away siamese kittens. I didn't really know how to respond to that. I love cats, kittens, and especially siamese....but hello? You can't replace a companion. You can never again have that same special bond. You can not just go and get another kitten. Someday, maybe I might be open to sharing my heart and home with another feline friend. But the new kitty will not be a "replacement", he or she would be a new addition to my memories, heart and my life. If there was a way to clone Rajjah, it still wouldn't be the same because her personality was shaped by the different events we both lived through during her short 5 months with me. I hand raised her, fed her bottles, wiped her little furry bottom, and in essence became her mom. She was one of those rare cats that completly submitted to being coddled like a baby, she let me carry her around and kiss on her cute adorable little fuzzy face. There will never be another Rajjah. None can replace her, nor would I want to try to do that.
    Someday, maybe, a new pet will be welcomed into my life...but I can not give up hope that my darling will be returned to me. And even if she never is able to come back, she will still be a one of a kind love...never to be replaced. Always missed, always loved, I will continue to pray for her return...and I thank you all for your kind emails and comments.

    Sept 27, 2006

    Went to visit with my mother and grandmother today. Took a pic of Grandma with Murphy. Murphy is a senior citizen kitty, if you look back in last month's postings, I wrote about how my mother came to adopt him.

    Murphy spends most of his time curled up with Grandma, sleeping with her if she lets him. She says she isn't a pet person....but she is. lol.

    Sept 26, 2006

    If I had known these would be the last pictures I would take of my special baby Rajjah, I would have taken a million more. I miss her so much! Its been hard for me to try and update on here, because there is no good news.

    I heard about Luna coming home after a month+ and I am so happy her owner and happy for her! I can only hope and pray that my Rajjah is returned to me. But it has been 10 days now. The other day, for a split moment..I saw a cat and I thought it was her! My heart leaped into my throat and I was so happy. And then the kitty moved and I realised it wasn't her, wasn't even close. Just from a distance, for a moment, it kinda looked like her.

    I miss you so much Rajjah!! Come home my darling! My life isn't the same without your sweet and gentle nature. You can jump in my lap and dig your claws in, I won't even complain or mention the claw trimmers. If I had known that day would be the last you would be here, I would have snatched you up and never let you go outside again. If you return, you can sleep in my bed and I'll buy you tons of toys and treats and pet you all day everyday!

    Sept 22, 2006

    My friend came to visit on Wednesday to cheer me up, and she brought many kitty toys to cheer up my darlings. Here is a pic of the basket of toys.

    Here is a close up of some of the wonderful furry and feathery things.

    There is sadly still no news of my darling Rajjah. I've fostered easily over a hundred cats and kittens, so I always could pick one if I really truly wanted one. They were all so adorable and cuddly, but there was only 2 out of all those that touched a special part of my heart that said, no matter what I could not part with them. They were special in a way that is indescribable. Ceasar and Rajjah are the two special fostered kitties that stayed. Empress Tao was a rescue and she didn't have any other place to go. She bonded with me and is very loyal and special in her own way, but its hard to explain...there wasn't the same deeper connection with her as with Rajjah. I adore all my kitties in their own different and unique ways, but I've never felt the loss of one of my own as I do with Rajjah. I've had kitties that I eventually adopted out after having them for a year or more, and sadly I've even had a few cats pass away...but I haven't felt the deprivation of that companionship as I have with the loss of my specialness Rajjah. There are no words to cover the enormous empty place she has left. There can never be another as wonderful and special as her. I still pray that there is some slim chance that she can come back to me, but the reality of days with no sign or hint of her breaks my heart.
    Thank you one and all for your kind comments and please keep me and my kitties in your prayers.

    Sept 21, 2006

    Rajjah went missing on Sept. 16th around noon. I desperately want to believe that she will return. I notice that both of my other cats, Ceasar and Empress, have been staying at home alot more then normal as if to comfort me. Usually they are home in the morning for breakfast, then off to play the day away and home again at dinner time. Then they usually curl up in or on the cat condo scratching post on the front porch for bed time. Since Rajjah went missing, they are outside the front door everytime I walk outside to smoke. They purr and meow at me and rub against my legs. Even Pepper (the neighbor's cat) is aware that something is wrong. He comes over everyday to play with Rajjah, and he keeps looking all around the yard and porch area for her all day since she went missing.

    Sept 20, 2006

    This is a pic from the second day I went looking in the woods for Rajjah. Empress is my very faithful kitty and loves to go on walks with me. We walked a couple of miles up and down hills and through thick brush and she kept right up with me. I think my other kitties know how upset I am. They haven't been lap kitties except when it suits them. Rajjah always wanted to be in my lap...they know I miss that. Empress jumped in my lap the last few days and snuggled and gave me kitty kisses. Ceasar even jumped in my lap and he is a strictly look-no touch kitty. Once in a while he will rub against my leg...but once he got to be a grown up, he didn't want to snuggle.

    I had hoped that one of the posters I made would work, maybe someone was keeping her...but when I went to look again yesterday night, they were all disinigrated because of the rain. I got home at 10:30 instead of midnight, so I went out looking again in the neighborhoods...not in the woods. I hope to have a good update, but mostly I'm sighing deeply alot. Holding back the tears is getting harder.
    I pray that maybe someone took her in and is loving her...thats the best hope I can have. Cause otherwise, she is out in the woods so far away that I can't find her, crying and soaking wet and all alone. No, I would much rather lose her to another family then to lose her in the woods.

    Sept 19, 2006

    I'm writing this a few days in advance, hoping that there will be a good outcome to report by the time this gets published. This is Cricket, I had to "enhance" the photo to get the mixed white kitty to show up in the tree. The second shot is untouched, so you can tell how difficult it is to see her. poor darling.

    and yes, there is a great update!!! Cricket has finally been freed from the evil clutches of the tree!!! Sometime this morning Sept 18, 2006...someone somehow managed to get her down. She is very matted now, and gets to go to the V-e-t to have them cut out of her fur as well as a check up. But her weight was very abundant to start with and she appears overall to be in good health! Yeah for Cricket!! Here is a pic of her reunited with her loving beans. :)

    Still no news about Rajjah. Generally you have a 24-48 hour and if they don't come back in that time period...its not likely they can make it back. But I haven't given up hope yet.
    Its going on 3 days now, I despair but try to have hope.