Jan. 18, 2007

Can you see my owie?

When I returned from my working vacation, I saw this wound on MeiLin's head above her eye. I think that maybe she and CGPH were play fighting and got a little rough. I'm keeping an eye on it, hopefully it won't mean we have to go to the vet early. She already is getting a hint about the ladygardenectomy surgery planned for Feb. and she isn't amused.lol.


  1. Oh, I hope yer ouchie gets better soon!

  2. Owie! That's the sort of thing my sister Ninna does to herself (not that I think MeiLin did).

    Hope it heals soon!

  3. I forgot that my mom wanted me to tell you she uses a) a Canon 10D digital SLR, b) her cell phone camera, and c) captures from videos. She plays a lot in Photoshop. And would like all new photographic equipment!

  4. hope yer owie gets better an yoo don't haf to see the V E T abowt it.

  5. you poor thing! we hope it gets all better furry quick!
