October 1, 2007

Momma and Greats came to visits again. Momma cleaned our litterbox and filled our empty food. We is eating lots more, cause Momma gots the good kinds of food and we loves it.
We decideds to punish Momma for her long trip over at Greats house that we shall ignore and play all huffy when she comes home. It worked real good whens she came for the visit. First we meowed and meowed, then once the foods dish was full...we completesly ignored Momma. I thinks she was really confused and that even though shes broughts a new toy, we ignoreds her. hehehe!!

Momma says that when she gets back on Wednesday she is gonna be too tireds to let me blog, but that thursday afternoons she is gonna take photos and let me bloggie.


  1. Thank you so much for your purrs and well-wishes! I am doing much better -- hopefully well on my way back to 100%.

    I don't blame you for ignoring your beans when they got back -- when our beans are gone for a while, I act aloof until they have shown me they're sufficiently sorry for being gone, haha!

    Floofy headbonks from Brainball!

  2. I am looking forward to the pictures!
    Ignoring is a good strategy - Anastasia was a master of it! I am not good at it at all, I am so happy to see my staff I can't ignore them....

  3. I also look forward for your momma's pictures. And hope they are back soon~!!!!!

  4. All that time with out your Momma, you sure do have the right to have a grumble and a grump! ;)

  5. Snubbing is a great punishment for leaving like that. Hold out as long as you can!


  6. I look forward to the photos - meanwhile, I think you've all got the right idea!

  7. We shall look forward to Thursday then will all the pics. FAZ

  8. looking forwad to your pictures! did you work out the statcounter thing my meowmie told you about?
