Author:Cashmere Hunter Growlypants
I may nots be a pedigrees kitty, but at least I gots a fancy name. Momma yells all 3 of them whens I pounce on her at night. I isn't sure why that happens, but I think I'll try it again tonight just to make sure. I has to be scientifics you know? Repeats the experiments...hehe.
I wants to give an updates about the little Raowr girlkitteh. She stopped hissing at us all and Momma has caughts her snuggling with each and every one of us. For the most part though, Raowr seems to like to snuggle up with beans best of all. Momma had a visitor over and little Raowr mades a beeline for the visitor and stole the lap!! Momma was surprised cause the rest of us always get freakeds out and run for cover, but that little one didn'ts at all.
Now I hads no problem with the new little kitteh, cause I is a laid back cool-as-ice mancat. Howevers, I know for a facts that Napoleon was abouts to throw a hissy fit back at her. He didn'ts like all the hissing she was doing, so he hissed back alot. But Momma knows from experiences that we will get over it. Cause Napoleon hissed at Belle and Belle hissed at him when she first moved in and now they is the bestest of buddys! So just about 5 days after she showeded up, she is fitting in just fine. Momma ooohs and awws over her all the time, like she is an ickle kitteh that is super special. I don't know, I fink its cause Raowr follows her around the house like a puppy doggie.
Anyways, at least I is still maintainings my mancatly dignity well, that is unless the silly red dot comes out to play. I almosted caught it a few times yesterday. I know its got to come out and play again real soon and one day, POUNCE!!! I shall catch it and put the bitey on it...but till then, I put the bitey on our favorite carboarded box!
Zoolatry Thanks for makings a photo for the holiday of little Raowr. We wills post it the day after FanksGivings.
Ooh Napoleon's comin over for a grooming! Just you wait and see his furs will be much softer after I'z licked them all nice and clean... I has special fur softening drool according to Ramses! :) Though he's being a grumpy ickle kitten and won't play Mummy Cat and ickle baby kitten with me, cause I pounced on his conehead a few times...! ;)
ReplyDeleteThat box looks like a great hidey spot!