Jan 23, 2008

Oh my, can you believe your eyes?

Author: Napoleon

Well it took almost 2 weeks, but here I is...sitting wif Great Grandma!!!!
Cans you believe I am sooooo brave? Great loves to petted me and she says I is the pretty one. hehehe, she knows a good thing when she sees it!

I is eagerly waiting for Momma to get her new camera. She finally gotted around to ordering it from a new person. It should be processed in 2 more days, then probablys 3days to ship. Amazon is great for gettings cheaper prices, howevers, they is really really slows when it comes to getting items. 10 days ago Momma ordered speakers for her computer ands they just arrived todays! She had to get speakers when she realized that the new bigg monitor did nots have any built in speakers. Momma was flabbergasted! Why woulds they not have built in speakers? Don'ts they realize she has to hear what she is seeings? Anyways, they is JBL duet speakers and they costed about 45 green papers. They has great sounds! Way betters then you would expect for the price! Here is a link that should show you the speakers....Amazon's page with the speakers


  1. Haha....amazon is gweat isn't it? Especiawwy when I can use mine Mummy's wittle pwastic card and have fun shopping awound!

  2. Oh look at you there Mr. Snuggles! ;) I'z tolded you that you'z was missin' out on a good thing and now you'z worked it out and I'z pleased for you! :)

    As for Valentines dinner, I'z was finking about an all you can eat tuna and salmon buffet! ;) Though I'z willing to eat chickens, turkeys, ducks or even a beef! Heck iffen I'z found a vishus deer I'z purrty sure I'd try eating it now! ;) It seems my delicate appetite and good table manners have gone for now, but I'z not going to turn into a bloater like Tigmut'hep honest! ;)


  3. Thats nice you is snuggling with your gramma. You looks all cozy there with her.

  4. My Grandma came to visit for a week, and I was just starting to come out from under the bed, and then she had to go home! You are very brave.

    Getting a new camera is very exciting!
