April 1, 2007

Poetry in motion

Just a quick photo to show my darling Hunter. He's gotten very ummm, how do you say, big boned? lol. Do not tell him that tummy shouldn't be that round. He's a lover-dover who lets me rub on his soft satiny belly all the time now. I was trying to get a good photo, but he kept moving around and insisting that he had to meow when I tried to get a face only photo. So, here we have him in mid-step. :)

Still super busy, not sure when I'll be able to begin posting daily, but I am going to try to post once a week when I can. :)

Tall Tale, lol

An oldie but goody, enjoy!

Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary:
Day 683 of my captivity: My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre > dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmat es and myself are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape... In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the floor.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. The audacity!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released --and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded! The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. The captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe....... for now...

Feb. 28, 2007

I'm going to take a break from regular blogging for awhile. I may put a picture every once in a while, but I will post when I'm ready to get back into it full time again. Thanks to you all and see you when I return.

Feb. 23, 2007

More adorable puppies!!!!!

Ok, I skipped a day, but at least you still get to see puppies!!!!!!

Feb. 21, 2007

The next two days are devoted to puppies!!

Ceasar is home, eating well and seems to have little desire to leave the front porch area. I sure wish I knew what he had been up to for those missing days. I'm just glad to have him home again though!

Feb 20, 2007

More cute kittys

Watch where it shuts off, at the very end of the video...lol.

BTW: You'll never guess who came home this morning!!!! After about 10 long,dark,and dreary days Ceasar came home!!!!!!!!!!!! He's lost a bit of weight, but has no wounds or any marks on him. I wonder where he's been and what he's been up to all these days. He's eating well and sticking around on the front porch. I'm so incredibly happy!!!!!!!

Feb 19, 2007

More kittens

I'll post more pics of my pets and talk again when I'm feeling a little less blue.

Feb 18, 2007

Listen for the tiny purr...

Feb. 17, 2007

Its a sad day here.

Last weekend while away, I had the neighbor girl come feed my outdoor kitties. She says that the day before I came home was the last time she saw Caesar. I thought, well maybe he's out wandering around. But I went out and looked for him in the woods and all over the neighboorhood. I could not accept the loss of another of my favorites. I know we are suppose to love all our furry kids the same, but there was an unbreakable bond between the two of us. I feel the same way about Rajjah and MeiLin. Oh, CGPH and Empress Tao have my love and devotion but the specialness isn't the same. I've gone through the same things as I did when Rajjah went missing but from what I understand the cougar has been leaving tracks in the woods nearby again. I shudder to think that Caesar was eaten, instead I will have him in my mind as someone picked him up because of how beautiful he is. And the person stole him and keeps him indoors loving him forever.
On top of all this, MeiLin had gotten out last week while she was in heat and was gone for 6 hours before I caught her. Well, turns out she did get pregnant....but she miscarried yesterday and was in pain, vomitting, and is now exhausted. I never knew a cat could miscarry. I know its for the best, that we don't need anymore kittens...but its heartbreaking to see a loved one go through that. I probably won't have any light hearted posts for awhile, though I'll try to come up with something. I miss Caesar so much and I worry that I might have to take MeiLin to the vet if she doesn't perk back up in the next 24hours.

Feb. 14, 2007

You can't see me!!

I am the great and mighty Hunter, you can not see me as I am all stealthy and stuff! Pay no attention to the glowing eyes....lol.

Sorry it took me a few days to post, but it kept trying to force me to switch to the new google blogger and I DID NOT want to do that. I am not a very big supporter of huge mega companies, and this particular company is getting its little fingers into every pie nowadays. Anyway, I had to make the switch or I couldn't use blogger anymore. Which is unfair in my opinion, you are forced to agree or you can't use their service. :( Well, I'll get over my pout and get back to pleasant pictures of my pretty kitties! :) :)

Here's some kittens, not mine, but cute!!!

Special Day!

You'll never know how much your loved, till you look at all the blogs! :)

Feb. 08. 2007

Toes are yummy!

MeiLin loves to pounce on my feet and occasionally has been known to lick them and nibble them.

Feb. 07, 2007

Back again!

This picture you can see CGPH is trying to hide in the doorway to pounce on unsuspecting MeiLin. hehe!

After a very very long week, I'm grateful to be home again with my loving darlings.
Sadly, was not able to get the cheap spay I was suppose to be able to get. And of course, MeiLin is back in heat. This morning she escaped outside for 6 hours, and I had to go over hill and dale to get her back. She was not a pretty creamy white color, she was now all muddy brown. She did not appriciated the bath but it was a nonnegotiable event...lol.
She doesn't have her collar on right now, because she is still grooming herself dry. So I have to be extra careful and not even open the front door until she gets her collar back on. I'm worried she might have met a friendly boy kitty during her six hour adventure. She still seems to be in heat, but I'm not sure how long that lasts after they have an indiscretion. Will she for sure be pregnant or maybe fingers crossed and no kittens??
I assure you if there are kittens, that I will be very very dillagent and find them all great homes, but I really am hoping that this will not be the case. I'm going to start calling around and find out if there is a place I can get the spay done for less then the 150 dollar price I've been quoted. I was suppose to get it for only 15 dollars. HUGE difference. :(

Feb. 02, 2007

Still out of town, going to be back for good on tuesday, but I hope to take a few photos when I stop by my house late tonight, maybe show the mess the kitties make when they know I'm not there. They are sure to be very vocal in their dislike of me being gone so long. Which is why I stop in briefly if possible during my trips.

Jan. 29, 2007

The urges are over, so we don't have to worry about kittens!! I thought you might enjoy looking at kittens though, so here's a clip of some very round kittens meowing their cute little heads off.

Jan 24, 2007


I guess I should stop saying I'm gonna post the next day, cause I usually forget..lol. Anyway, just wanted to do a quick update here. MeiLin is still in heat! Its a lot less intense then it was a few days ago, but I can NOT wait to get her fixed...whew!

I tried to seperate MeiLin and CGPH as he was acting oddly around her, he would sniff her no-no area and then get this disgusted look on his face...and then smack her. She meanwhile is like, hey...your a male right? lol, poor MeiLin, he's fixed. CGPH really just wanted to play with her, but she wasn't in the mood for that. So anyway, I seperated them in different rooms. Wheeeew, what a mistake that was! Poor CGPH has very very bad seperation anxiety and starting crying and crying for HOURS, trying to figure out where she was. He didn't want to do anything with her, just wants to lay next to her and cuddle and play fight occasionally. I figured it wasn't worth the added noise to keep them seperate, though someone had an out of litterbox experience...so I did have to move them both to the garage for now. Anyway, I'm keeping an eye on their behavior...and on MeiLin's booboo. It still hasn't healed very much and I'm worried the vet won't do the spay unless she's at 100% physically.

I'm getting ready to go out of town again, and I'm debating whether to bring them both with me. This just doesn't seem like the right time to leave them alone...even though temporarly moving is a huge drama too. I'm hoping to take her to the vet which is only few miles away from my mother's house, while I'm there...but I need to keep her seperate so she doesn't eat before surgery... I definetly do not want to wait any longer then necessary as I don't want her going back into heat ever ever again!!!

Jan. 22, 2007

Another new pet? Meow, tell me it isn't so Ma!!

Ok, so its not another real live pet...lol. But MeiLin was very conserned for a minute there! I finally got my The Sims2 Pets expansion pack!! WHOOO HOOO! I didn't get it from christmas, even thought I dropped alot of hints....so I went and bought it myself. lol. Ok, I'm almost 30...prezzies aren't as plentiful as they was when I was 12. :) So anyway, now that I finally got my hearts desire...I was playing and playing and playing for hours. Teaching my new furry one commands and tricks. This pet is a female dog named Abbey. She was adopted from the sim pound, so she already knows lots of neat tricks and stuff. Course my little sim family have 5 non-furry children and only two adults, so Abbey invites over her doggie boyfriend and they shred furniture while the sim adults are taking care of the babies, toddlers and kids. Its really funny and an addictive game, especially if you don't have a very active social real life.
But best to not forget the real life furry pets...they will announce themselves loudly outside the computer room if you play too long with the sim pets!! MEOOOOWWWW!

MeiLin is still in heat, but its easing...so thats really good. I'll do an update on her and poor CGPH tomorrow.

Jan. 19, 2007

I got the urges!!

In this pic I am snuggled up with my brofur Cashmere Growlypants Hunter, but you can't see the urges that are surging thru my furry body. About 5 minutes from this picture I'm about to start some noisys you won't believe!
I heard all about this v-e-t visit and this ladygardenectomy....and I won't stand for it! I'm a yowling loud and siamese proud! My bean keeps on telling me "no, No kittens,NO!!!!!" but I's don't know exactly what shes talkn bout. I gots the urges and I gots to meet the boy kitties that are outside...I gots to get thumbs so I cans open up the doors!!!! MEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!

Jan. 18, 2007

Can you see my owie?

When I returned from my working vacation, I saw this wound on MeiLin's head above her eye. I think that maybe she and CGPH were play fighting and got a little rough. I'm keeping an eye on it, hopefully it won't mean we have to go to the vet early. She already is getting a hint about the ladygardenectomy surgery planned for Feb. and she isn't amused.lol.

Jan 16, 2007


I made it back! It snowed during the week I was gone, but I made it back out to my house once and turned up the heat for the indoor kitties and put out fresh clean dry towels in the kitty shelter for the outdoor cats. The temp never got above freezing long enough for the snow to melt and this early morning it started raining. Now my car is parked at the end of a very very long road. Hoping that the 40 degrees will hit the shady spots enough to thaw it out later today.