January 26, 2008

Napoleon and Great Grandma

I was just messing with the video capabilities of my new camera, and I got this cute video by accident! I like it because Napoleon places his paw on Great Grandma's leg as if to lay claim to her, then he looks up at her and she looks down at him...its one of those AWWW moments, if you mute it. ;)

Jan 25, 2008

Author: Belle

This is the tracking of Momma's new camera. It shipped from NJ on the 23rd! It appears to be in our town already, they must have them transporters teleporters I have heard so much about!!!
Momma might get it in the mail today, I is pretty sure! And she is sooooo excited!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!

Electronic Shipping Info Received, January 23, 2008
Processed, January 23, 2008, 10:55 pm, KEARNY, NJ 07032
Processed, January 25, 2008, 3:24 am, PORTLAND, OR 97218
Arrival at Unit, January 25, 2008, 8:02 am, WILLAMINA, OR 97396

Hopefully this weekend Momma will has her new camera and she will figure its out quickly. Then the next pictures of my beautiful southern belle self will be with the new and bestest camera that we has ever had!!

Camera did arrive today! Battery isn't charged, should take 6 hours, so will have to wait to really try it out till tomorrow.

Jan 23, 2008

Oh my, can you believe your eyes?

Author: Napoleon

Well it took almost 2 weeks, but here I is...sitting wif Great Grandma!!!!
Cans you believe I am sooooo brave? Great loves to petted me and she says I is the pretty one. hehehe, she knows a good thing when she sees it!

I is eagerly waiting for Momma to get her new camera. She finally gotted around to ordering it from a new person. It should be processed in 2 more days, then probablys 3days to ship. Amazon is great for gettings cheaper prices, howevers, they is really really slows when it comes to getting items. 10 days ago Momma ordered speakers for her computer ands they just arrived todays! She had to get speakers when she realized that the new bigg monitor did nots have any built in speakers. Momma was flabbergasted! Why woulds they not have built in speakers? Don'ts they realize she has to hear what she is seeings? Anyways, they is JBL duet speakers and they costed about 45 green papers. They has great sounds! Way betters then you would expect for the price! Here is a link that should show you the speakers....Amazon's page with the speakers

Jan 21, 2008

A brand new Meme created by www.tigmuthep.blogspot.com

Author: Hunter
It's nice and simple, all you need to do is tell everyone 3 things that are new with you! Link it back to www.tigmuthep.blogspot.com and the purrson who gave it to you (which was tigmuthep!) and pass it on to 3 more kitties you'd like to know more about! :)

So here goes, the 3 things that are new with me are:

1. I has been outsides lately. And I am not impressed, I want back inside right away!

2. I got a new scratching post. It has a birdhouse like condo at the top. I loves it!

3. I has gained a bit of weights, Momma says I is the fattest kitteh eva. But I know she still loves me!!

We is gonna pass this meme on to....


Monty Q


Jan 18, 2008 -2nd post

Ramses Gave us this award on Thursday, but forgotted to tell us! lol So we is posting it extra late tonights in addition to our normal bloggie post.

Jan 18, 2008

Snug as a bug in a.....basket

Author: Belle

Momma thinks I is either gonna go in heat or I is preggo...but I is still not telling. Lately I has been more vocal and much much more friendly. When I was a kitten, I was the friendliest kitten ever...but when I got to be about 4-5 months old, I became a little more stand offish. Now however, I purr and meow and want to be in your lap. I could just be messing with Momma's mind, or I could be preggo or going to go into heat. I'm gonna make the world guess. ;)

Oh and Momma is still having some issues with Amazon. She got some great emails from Crutchfield and she really wishes that they would have been able to fill the order she had made, as they have a great customer service department and always reply within one business day, many times within an hour!! Which as many beans know, is almost unheard of!!

Anyway Momma says that Amazon had first told her they couldn't issue a refund until the 25th! OMG was Momma ticked or what!?! Then this morning she gets an email from them stating that the order had been canceled and that her credit card hadn't been charged. Well since Momma had used a bank card this time, its still showing as a pending charge. She finks that maybe the bank will clear it tonight when they do their maintence or whatever. She doesn't know, but since that 300 green papers is still tied up, she can't order the camera to take my lovey pictures!! And of course whenever she finally gets around to ordering the camera, it will still take up to a week for it to be processed and then shipped. Sighs!! It seemed like such a great deal, save 50 dollars by ordering it online!

She also ordered some Soft Claws for us, I'm hoping they don't show up neither cause she told me that I has to wear them to stop me destroying the furniture. But I loves scratching everything! Its my job as a kitty! How can I redesign those stuffy looking sitting places to be more fuzzy if I can't use my claws?

Jan 17, 2008

Author: Momma

Its been a rough few days, so I thought I would update instead of letting the furry ones do it. I recently ordered a camera through Amazon, and they used a third party seller. I was ok as this camera was 50 dollars cheaper then I could find it anywhere else.

However I recieved an email from the third party,Crutchfield, and they stated they were out of stock and that according to Amazon policy they had 30 days to fill the order.

Well, I had paid 3 dollars extra shipping to get it shipped to me in 2 days. I need and want that camera last week...thats why I paid extra to get it. Geesh! So anyway, they didn't know when they would get it...ect. I kept checking on Amazon to see if I could find it cheaper, then I would cancel the order and get it from someone else who could deliver when promised.
I finally see that Crutchfield was again offering the camera at the same price and they were saying they would have them in stock on FEB 5th!!! I'm not willing to wait till then before they even ship me the camera! Plus they never bothered to email me letting me know that they wouldn't have it in stock till the 5th. Once they found out that there was no way I was getting my camera this month they should have emailed me asap.

So I wrote them and canceled the order. They wrote back saying sorry for the problem ect. No biggie...except for the fact that the charge is still showing up on my bank account as a pending charge!

So I wrote Amazon, they said I need to take it up with Crutchfield.

Crutchfield says Amazon never paid them, and I need to take it up with Amazon.

Since its still a "pending" charge I can't use that 300 dollars to purchase anything else, or it would show up as an overdraft(cause my bank is just that nice). I do have the money in my account as it hasn't been paid out, however I can not purchase the camera until that money is freed from being held as a "pending charge". GRRRRR!!!!!!

All I wanted was a new camera...sigh. So that is why the kittys aren't in here. I don't have new pictures and I don't have the patients to listen to their meows and tryto help them type. ;)

Jan 14, 2008

Ooooh cools!!

Author: Hunter

Someones gave us anofer award! We is neat! But we is also kittehs that is berry traumatized by the lossing of the Seattle Seahawks. Momma was alreadys mad at them because they wasn't playing so great during the regular seasons, then they blew it. So we is all traumatiseded! But its ok too...cause we has a second team that Momma loves and we can still root for them. Momma was worried if both teams made it to the playoffs, she mights have a conflict and not know who to root for during the big Soup Bowl. But since the birdies have flown away, now the Patriots are totally gonna have no trouble eating all the soup in the bowl. Go PATS~!

We has recently been tagged about three times for the 7 weird things meme, but we has all done it already, so Momma wants us to make up a new meme. She is hopings it original, but if not...we totally thoughts it was.

So here goes:

This meme is created by all of the kittehs at www.petspics.blogspot.com The rules are, you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and to us! :) Then you have to tag 3 other kittehs, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animals.

What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?

1. We would totally get up on the top shelf in the puter room where all the forbidden plants are. They is so far up there, but they look just right for a bitey attack!!! YUMS!

2. We would love to try to drive the big machine with four wheels. We don't thinks any kittehs has done that before. We would use it to go to the kitteh food place and buy all the yummy Whiskas wet food pouches wif the tuna!!

3. We would likes to figure out the paypal accounts of momma and purchase all the kitteh toys ever mades and has them rush order delivered. But only if we could totally act surprised and like we has no idea where they came from. ;)

we is gonna tag:




Good luck and enjoy coming up with fun and unique Thing You Would Do....

Jan 11, 2008

Looks what we gots!!

Author: Belle aka Squishy
Somebody love us!! I think it might have been Ramses! and the award was started by someone named Colin

Well I was going to update earlier today, but its been very hectic since Great moved in with us. It was a very traumatic day for Hunter, Napoleon and Momma. Raowr and I were good kittys and let Momma put us in the bedroom.

See this is how it happened... Momma has one rule about her home. You must call at least 5 minutes before showing up. She prefers that you call at least an hour in advance, but even 5 minutes is better then just showing up. See that extra time gives her a moment when we are all relaxed and she can herd us into the bedroom. If there are no other people around, we go quietly. However, this time everyone forgot to call. Momma thought that Grandma and Auntie Sopha and Auntie Naomi were going to come over around 3pm. Instead they showed up without calling at noon!! OOOPS!! So the moving vehicle shows up, and Momma was in the middle of moving the furntiture and had to drop everything to try and grab us to put us in the bedroom where its safe and quiet. The front door opens 5 seconds later and there is the whole human herd! They has their arms full and is coming into our house. Momma had managed to get Raowr and I safely into the room. But Napoleon took one look at the invaders and jumped on top of the fridge and then on top of the shelves, knocking things all over the place. He found a good place and didn't come down till night time. Hunter freaked out, and couldn't get into the bedroom cause the door was shut to keep Raowr and me in there. So he ran up and down the hallway getting in the way and freaking out. Momma tried to catch him, but she fell down hard and broke the laundry doors. Hunter finally hid behind the couch till after everyone left.

You would think this was enough trauma for us all, but Napoleon is still very skitterish and won't come near GreatGrandma, even though she doesn't move fast or talk loud or anything. He's being silly. I've let her touch me, though I still prefer Momma. Raowr loves the extra lap, but she and Hunter and I all still trying and squish Momma when she is sitting down. I think in a few days I might climb on Great's lap, but I'm making her earn the privelage of petting and holding me.

Oh I know everyone is interested in what I did when I escaped the other day, but I'm not telling! I'm gonna keep you all guessing and make Momma tell you in about 20 days. Though now she thinks I should be called Squishy Belle because I remind her of that movie Finding Nemo..."I'll call him Squishy". She says I am very squishy, but I've been that way my whole life. You would never know I might have muscles and bones under all my fur...cause I'm so squishy. I'm very relaxed most of the time and tend to go limp at a moments notice. I think its an art form! ;)

Ps. Can you see three kittys in this photo?

Only Napoleon refused to stay near GreatGrandma, the rest of us are getting more use to her.

Jan 9, 2008

Can you see who's trying to edge into my photo??

Author: Napoleon

Today is my normal bloggings day, but I blog-hogged all weekend. Momma says she doesn't have alots of time to help me wif the bloggie today since Great Grandma, Grandma and Auntie Sopha is comings today. They is gonna bring Great's stuff since she is movings in wif us. She is gonna live here wif us forever and ever, so we is verry happys. Now I gets another lap to sits on!

Yesterdays Momma was watching the tv and three of us had to smoosh onto her lap and legs...now we wills have another lap to sits on and the bestest part is that since Great doesn't walks so good anymore, she will sits a long time...so we don't has to get annoyed when the bean gets up to do stuff!

Anofer great thing about having Great move in wif us is that one of the Forbidden Rooms was opened up and there is a great big comfy bed in there. Which means, when its bed time, we will have anofer bean to climb all over. Momma tosses and turns alot when she is getting all comfy and sometimes we gets digruntleds. Now, if she annoys us too much we cans go sleep wif Great.

We will try to visit, but probably won'ts get a chance till at least the weekend since Momma has to take Great to the store and to the beanvet this week. We wanted to let you know...especially Isis, so she didn'ts fink we forgotted her.

Jan 7, 2008

See how unamused I is?

Author: Napoleon

Okays, the last fing I was talkings about was when we stayeds at Gwandma's house after the twamatic carwide. I meowled all nights. I stills didn't gets no food!
The morning times came and Momma cruewly shoveds me backs in the PTU. I is berry upsets by this!! I am meowlings for the whole 20 quillion minutes carride.
We awwived at this wittle place. Its waining outsides, but I is in a PTU so I don't get too wets. Then we has to wait a squillion years while woofies is bawking and hawassing me in my wittle blue carrier. I is not amused.I hiss ands lets them know who is the king of the world.
Thens comes the indiginaties and the horrible tortures! I is taken by my Momma into a tiny rooms. She takes me outs of the horrible little PTU (prisoner transport unit) and holds me. She petteds me and kwissings me, but that is only to soffens me up! This horrible little man sticks somfing up my bum!! OH MY! it was even colds!!
This ladys comes in and she is pettings me and she tells my Momma thats " all the techs will be so happy and pet him alot cause they really love siamese-mixes"
So, I is thinking...hmm, okays, this might noits be so bads after all. WELL! Momma hands me over to this lady!?! I can'ts believe it, Momma is weaving me here? UM, MOMMA??!! MEOWLE! MEOW! MEEEEOOOOOOWWWLLLE!!

I can hear her leavings me! But she doesn't come backs for a long long times! So they takes me back and the techs ooh and ahh over me, and trys to pets me...but I is not in the mood. I wants my Momma, and my brofur and my sistas!

Then the insidious techs stick me wif some truf serum! Now I knows what they wants, they want my secwet plans to take over the woirld! Oh, they finks they is so cunnings...but they shall not get my secwets. I has twained for this a long time and I don't tells them what theys want to know. I petwend I don'ts speak bean, I just meow pitifuls and eventually they leave me alones. I start to feel a wittle sweepy though...I fhinks I shall take a long naps....zzzzmeowzzzzz.

I wake from my long nap. I stwetch and I feel a little woozy. My excellents cooridinations is off. What was in fhat truf serum? I feel funny. I can'ts walk, my wegs are wobblys. My normally perfects eyesight is blurry, my mouf feels like someone dumpeded sawdust in its. I decide to rewax a bit more. After anofer hour and the techs comings in and out all the time I is finaly alones in my tiny metal prison. There is no foods in here, but a little tiny bits of water. I dwinks it and my mouf feels a wittle better. My tummy isn't in the moods for foods yet..but I is needing to use the witterbox soon. There is no witterbox?! um, TECHS!!??!! I needs a witterbox! I start to groom myself, hopings they will get the hints. I groom my beautiful face and body and thens...HEY WHAT THE...where are my dangly bits??? !!!OH THE HORRORS!! They stole my dangly bits!! I is so heartbroken. How cans I be a truely manly mancat wifout my dangly bits? Will my love Isis still love me? Well I knows she had a fling wif Dan, but I am sure she will comes back to me. Pehaps all is not lost. I is going to have to get back at Momma for leaving me wif these tortures theifs though. Oh and I STILL has to use a witterbox! I can'ts wait...uhoh, I is gonna have an accident!

Now they notice whats I was trying to tell thems. I stink now and am all yucky. The techs take me outs of the metal prison. Now they hose me off wif water!?! OH this is the worstest day eva!! I is dripping wets and too groggy to regroom myself. ewww. I still stinks a wittle bit. Now they is shoving me in the PTU and carrying me outs of the torture rooms. Wait, who is this? Its MOMMA!! Oh thank goodness, you are here to rescue me from these horrible peoples!! I begin meowling, quietly to let her know how unhappy I is.

Momma takes me away from that horrible place after giving them some green paper, I assume it was some form of ransom payment to get me back. I don't think she had to pay much, but I am sure it was worth it to rescue me. I is stinking up the car now, the techs said Momma can't bathe me till 10 days. So when we get backs to Grandmas house she puts me in the bathroom wif a witterbox and a bowl of water. I immedietly climb in the witterbox and pee alots more. WHEW! I feel betters, but I still stinky..the PTU is stinky, my spongebob blankie is stinky. Momma cleans everything but me. I is suppose to do that myself. But I is too sleepy, so she gets me a clean towel and I curl up.

Later I get around to cleanings myself up. I still not interested in food, but I drink a wittle bit of water. I is all coordinateds again. I am ready to go homes!!!
Finally after many many hours, Momma takes me home. When we finally gets there, Belle is on the front porch scweaming her head off. SHe is ready to come insides too! So we all four are reunited at the sames time. Belle and Hunter sniff noses. I sniff Raowr and then Belle then Hunter. Ok, I finks we is all here. I is going back to sweep....zzzmeowzzz...danglybits....zzzzzz...dasterdly feinds....zzzmeowzzzz

Jan 5, 2008

Author: Napoleon

Just gonna update at the top for those thats be worried about Belle, she is home and safe.

Now abouts my trauma!! Omg, When you wast read Belle had run out the door and Momma couldn't catch her. After trying and tryings, she had to just give up for that day. She finally came back inside. Thens she grabbed me, the good kitteh who did nots run outsids, and she petted me and kisseh me. Then she stuffed me in a PTU, the blue torture chamber! I begans to let her know I was not amused! She lockeded up the house and carryd me outs to the car. I has never ever bens in a car before. I was bery bery upsets!! I MEOWLED and HOWLEDED and lets my pityiful voice declares to all that I was being kittehnapped and transported against me will.

Momma kepts talking to me and sayings stuff like "don't be a big baby" and " Raowr never meowed at all and she is just a bitty baby". Well i nevers! I is bigger and bravers, but I hasn't been in the PTU before or a car. I has a right to be upsets, after all I is a Meezer!

So thens we had a LONG dwive of abouts an hour. We wents to Gwandmas house to stay the nights. I was not greeteds wif nice yummy wetfoods or tweats or nofing!! I was puts in Mommas woom and she was in theres wif me. There was a witter box and a bowl of water, butts no FOOD!! Oh I was so super not amused!

By this time it was pwetty late and Momma saids it was time for beds. I had sniffed everywheres and I could tells that this was where Raowr had gone when she disappeared for a few days at Chrissymouse and then again earlier this week. I was not that comforted. I meowled.....all night long. Momma twied to comfort me and petted me. I would gets quiet for a wittle bit, then I would starts up again. Momma wasn't amused. I wauffed inside cause nows she knows how I feels about the PTU!

After the traumatics car ride and overnight stay at some stwange place...the twauma continued!!

Tomorrow I will twy to finish this story...buts if not I will definetly finish it on Monday.

Jan 4, 2008

Author: Napoleon

I knows that sometimes it be days for ovher kittehs to be postings, but I has some traumatics tale to tells you so I is writings.
This is hows it happeneded....Momma and Great came home on Tuesday and dropped off Raowr, she be very sad that Momma left her at the house...anyways, Momma took Great to lunch at the casino and then decided since it be a few days till my "snip" she would come back on Thursday and take me to Grandmas house. She would be able to keeps me from eating the night before snippurgy and there woouldn'ts be any ovher kittehs to harrass me whens I get all loopy.
Well, Momma shows up berry late Thursday and Raowr is like OMG MOMMA!!!! and she was following her around, getting under her feet and generally letting Momma knows that she be very upset that she hasn't seen her in two whol days! Momma was trying to empty the witterboxes and get the Prisonbox ready for me. She had gones to the door to takes the witter out to the garabagss and Raowr ran outsides!! Momma was berry quick though and was able to grabs her and tuck her back into the houses. Thens Momma goes out to put the stuff in the garbabges and doesn't rewaise that the door was oppens a crack! So all the kittehs decided it was jailbreaks time, excepting for me...cause I is good.
Momma was quickly able to get Raowr back in the house, and after a few minutes Hunter meandered back to the porch and Momma grabbeded hims too. But Belle is a berry berry bad girl! She kept out of reach and wouldn't let Momma catch her, Momma tried all the tricks...wet foods, the lazer pointers, coming from behinds...stuff likes that. It didn't works. Belle used to be ans outdoor kitteh, but since her ladygarden snippurgy isnt' tills Feburary Momma didn't want her to be outside so we would not has any bebbys.
Now, when Belle FINALLY comes back inside which will probably be in a day or two...now Momma has to waits 30 days to make sure someone isn't getting a tummy full of accidents! It takes like 55-64 days for a kitteh to hatch, but you can usually tells in 30 days cause someone gets fat.
Momma isn't reweally worried about Belle, though she is upset and anxious for her to not gets preggnant. She is tellings the outdoor kitteh feed person to keep an eye out for her and puts out extra foods for her. When she drops me off tonight or tomorrow morning, she is hoping to be able to catch her. Fingers and paws cwossed for that.
After all this story, there is still even more traumtics just abouts me....I will wrights more tomorrow.

Dec 31, 2007

Author: Momma

It's the last day of year, so I get to steal the blog today! hehehehe

I'm in Salem taking care of my grandmother while my mother, aunt, and neice are in Mexico. I brought Raowr with me and have put her on a more nutrious kitten chow formula in the hopes that without the others eating it all, she will get more energy and perhaps more playful. Its hard to have kitten chow at home without everyone getting kitten food. They don't believe in one bowl=one kitty. They all think its my bowl, your bowl...its all the same! lol.

After we got our Secret Paw, we had this whiskas special filet kind of wet food. This has spoiled my babies and they won't eat any other kind of stinky goodness, at least not with the same bowl scrapping joy. So, I had to go on a hunt to find it since it wasn't the same flavor at my normal store. I found some at Wal-mart and only 44 cents a pouch. Not too bad, but still not gonna be an everyday item.

I get paid on thursday so I'm planning on driving home and switching kittys so I can take Napoleon back to Salem with me so I can keep him from eating the night before his neuter. He is so not gonna love the cat carrier, since his first trip in it will be an hour long drive, then no yummy food, then a visit to the vet! Then I'll have him with me in Salem so I can keep an eye on him after his surgery and then I'll take him back out home when he is all back to his normal self. (hopefully this will prevent the other kittys from taking advantage of him when he is woozy)
On the other hand, Raowr is wonderful in the carrier. She never meows or acts upset, though she is really really happy when you take her out and kneads the air and drools. If I went on vacations all the time, she would definetly be the kitty to take with me.
I probably won't be able to blog again or let the kittys blog until after I return on the 6th or 7th. I'll try and let you all know how Napoleon does with his neuter, but you might have to wait till next monday.

Dec 28, 2007

Whys hasnot I bloggied yets?

Author: Raowr

Normalleys today is the bloggied day of Belle, butted she is letting me do its cause I needs fhat practeyes. Momma says she donnots now what is wrong wif the camera its not cakiing good enuf pictures of me. Everybooty that meats me says I is beauuuutiufls!

THis ober picture of me makes me looks like is a giants kitteh, but donnots worreh, I is really tiny.

I gotted taggied for my ferry firsted ever MEME by Chance Bond !! Momma is gonna writeed for me caused my apaws is gettins tietie.

Here are the meme rules:* link to the cat who tagged you and post the rules on your blog* share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself* tag 7 random cats at the end of your post & include links to their blogs* let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. Raowr doesn't play like a normal kitten. She only plays once in a great while, and only for a few minutes.

2. She loves to sleep, but only if she can have her choice of spot.

3. She loves to be held, and goes limp like a noodle when you pick her up.

4. She has an amazingly loud purr for such a tiny kitten.

5. She shoves the larger kitties away if there are treats around. She can run pretty fast then, but unless there are treats involved...she doesn't run.

6. She drools, alot.

7. She makes "air bisquits" when she is really happy. Especially when meeting new people including small children, she kneads the dough in the air, purrs, and drools. Yet everyone thinks she is adorable. ;)

I is tagged my big brofurs girlyfridn,Isis and nobody else cause this be an olde meme and I finked alots of kittehs has already dones it.

Dec 26, 2007

The disturbance of a sleeping cat....

Author: Napoleon
In this picure, I is sleepings very soundly. All is peacebull, and quiet. All is write wif the world.

That flashing things is starting to disturbes my sleep Momma!! In fise pictures you can tell I is tossing and turnings. But I still determined to finish my naps. I is still a growing boy and I needs my beauty sleeps if I is to look really goods for Isis.

In this finals pictures you can tells I is not amused. I has been berry rudebully awakends!! There shall be retrubritions. Momma must pay. I am plannings a 3am meowlings session were I shall be inconsollable like a blurpy thing wif colic. I shall disturbed her sleeps like she messed up mine. And unlikes a blurpy thing, I has claws...hehehehehe
You is in soooo much trouble now, Momma!!

Meezer Rule: Whens the kitteh is sleeping, DO NOT DISTURB THE KITTY!! or you shall pay!!!!

On a differents note, I forgotted to mentions my momma tellings all the kitties here about a dangly bits removale thats suppose to happens to me on the firsted or second of Jaunuberry. My siblings is gigglings and being rudes, Hunter is sympatheticals cause he hads his stole when day whens he was sleepings. Buts the ofher kittehs here are snickerings. Belle doesn't realibes that I lookked on the interfishynets and it saids that the lady has to gets her tummy shaved! HAHAHAHAHA! I onlys has to have a weeeeee bits of fur taken, and a tiny little two stitches. She has to go nekkid on her belly for weeks tills it groweded back in! Lets she her try to be all prissy and a "southern lady" cat then! HA!

On the more serioused side of stuff, I am still eagerly lookings for kittehs who are dedicated to the completes ruling of the world. I am makings up meezer rules to help when I is king, but I could use some helps.

Dec 24, 2007

My brother and I lounging around, waiting for Kissymouse Day!

Author: Hunter

Hello everybodies! I hasn't hads a chance to bloggie for almost free weeks!! I is ok abouts it though. I is so mellows and laid back, it doesn't bother me much. Howevers I has told Momma that since I has been such a good boy abouts this, I expect a special nip pressie all for myself for Kissymouse day!! I is the only one that really likes nip. Its really weirds that my brother and sisters don't like nip. I fink theres somefing wrong wif them!!

Oh I has to say that some of the kitties here is berry jealous cause Momma wents away to visit her fabmily and stayed overnights. She was gone for 2 days and 1 nights. Momma was ready to go and ats the last minute she scoopeded up Raowr and tooks her wif her!!! Momma says that Raowr behaved like a perfect little kitty and didn't meow once during the whole hour long drive. She was sooo super quiet you neber would has known she was in the carrier!! Anyways, eberybody just lobed on Raowr and petted her and some of the peoples wanted to adopts Raowr!! Momma said nooooo. But then Momma thoughts about what is rights for the rest of us kitty fabily and said thats if the right situation and the right perfect person came alongs she would lets someone adopts Raowr. Cause Momma says, 4 kitties in the house is a bit much and she wants to make sure thats all of us kittys gets the most love, attention, vet care, temptaysions and everyfing we could ever needs. She won'ts let just anyone take us though, it has to be a better situation for one of us to live there rather then here. So she ended up saying no to two differents peoples, and she broughted Raowr back home.

Ones of the people that really really woved Raowr and wanteded to adopts her has two wittle bitty blurpy things. Momma thoughts that Raowr might not get the love and attentions she needs from the growned up beans because they boths work and has to take care of the bitty ones when they isn't workings, and the blurpy things might squeeze her too hards. The blurpy things are twins and they LOVES kitties, they go a wittle bits insane when they see us kitties. Infacts, they came over one day and visited wif our Momma while the adult beans hads some grown up times. Only Raowr was brave enough to visit the blurpy things and only for a few minutes at a time. Momma finks this fabmily will be perfects for a kitty maybe whens the blurpy ones are five years olds. Then the wittle ones cans give lots of lovings and will knows how to pet gentles.

The ober person who wanteds to adopt Raowr wives berry far aways in Washing-machine-ton. Thats a longs way away for our sister to trabels!! But Raowr is berry good ins the car, so we finks that she could do it just fine. Buts, the lady was only sort of kinda interested and just starting to finks about getting a kitteh. She lobed Raowr cause she is sooooo mellow and just lobes to be held and petteds. Momma really thoughts about it, but decided that since the lady wasn't absolutly sure yet, sometimes travels for a week, and didn't has all the kitteh essentials at home yet....that this would nots be a better situation for Raowr. Anyways, this lady libes alone and Momma finks she would be a good canidates to adopt a kitteh someday when she is sure that she wants the responsiblity and the great joys of being owned by a kitteh.

Momma hadnts brought Raowr wif her to get her a new home, Momma LOBES Raowr berry much and doesn't really wants to lose her, but this trip sure mades her finks about somethings. Momma has tolds the neighborhoods childrens that ifs they find any more kittehs they shouldn't bring them ober anymore. Cause Momma has a soft hearts and always says "Yes" whens they ask if she wants anofer kitteh. Momma wants to be a responsible owner and wants to make sure that all her babies gets all the lovings and everfing we coulds ever wants or need, and she worries thats if she gets too many we wouldn'ts be as happy as we is right nows. Its only a 1100 sq ft house, and now wif Great Grandma movings in it will seems smaller....so we finks that 2 beans and 4 indoor kittehs is just the rights amount.

Ands to finks that some ob us kittys were jealous! We thoughts Momma took Raowr wif her cause she lobed Raowr more thens any of us. We hasn't ever gone over to Grandma's house be4! There was alots of beans there and a few half grown blurpy things. So maybes Raowr was the right kitteh to go there, cause I definetly woulds not has been happy abouts the lots of beans. Raowr lobed it, she drooled and made kitteh air bisquits wif her paws. And we heards that Raowr gots to meet Grandma's two kittys, and they even shared their stinky goodness wif her. Okays, now I is confused..should I be jealous or releibed thats I didn't go? I is pretty mellow, I finks I'll just wait for the tempytations bag to come out again and Momma can make it ups then.

Dec 21, 2007

Merry Christmas

Author: Belle

Momma says with the holidays just a few minutes away, we should say it now just incase we can't blog until after the christmas is over. Sooooo, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
We all hope you have a fun,safe, and present filled holiday season.

Just a warning for all you young kittens out there "Do NOT eat the tinsel!" Not only is it very bad for you, but you can end up pooping out tinsel. And its not as fun as it sounds!!!!!!

Also, Momma wanted to say that she got a card in the mail the other day from KC and Missy...Momma is having a brain fart, she can't remember if its Missy Blue Eyes or just Missy or if its some other combination...but she thinks you'll know who she means! She says to say "THANKS!!!" she really enjoyed it and it was super cute!!

Well Momma also wanted to let everyone know that SOMEONE is getting his dangly bits removed right after christmas. HAHAHAHA!!!! She says its cause Napoleon has been meowling his head off night after night after night...and well, he's been getting overly affection with me. I told him, I'm not interested....I want a real mancat, not a stinky big brother who thinks he is a mancat. Momma is giggling cause she says I'm next. Um, I don't have any dangly bits... I have no idea what she is talking about!!

Oh man, now Napoleon wants me to say that Isis is the prettyiest girl kitty in the whole wide world and he is only interested in her and he doesn't get overly affectionate with me at all. But thats a big fat lie!!!! He put the "moves" on me. I swatted his face big time and put the bitey on him! Napoleon says he is just upset cause his Isis is gonna have babies with another mancat thats why he is meowling and that he was only "wrestling" with me. HA!

You know what? I think I'll just stay the lonely single Southern Belle. I don't think I need the drama and trauma, after all I might get a wrinkle!

Dec 19, 2007

Momma's been slacking!!

Author: Napoleon =^.^=

Firsted of all, this is a ways old photo...likes at least 2 or 3 weeks old! Seconds, this be the second week in a rows where she "forgotted" to let us in to do our bloggings. I knows it just Hunter's day on Mondays, but two weeks in a rows he hasn't gotten a chance to do its! Momma is soooo lazy!!! She says she be busy wif all the holiday and a squillions ofher things...but we knows the truf! She be LAZY!!!
Now she be trying to tell me that wif the holiday and the fambily and the squillion ofher things that is happenings, from decembers 29th tills the 6th or 7th of Januarys she isn't sure how much bloggings is goings on.

Um, Mommas is you not paying attentions?? Those happens to be some of the days when I is suppose to be bloggings. I'm sure Hunter and Belle will bes ok wif missing theirs days, but I aint missing mine!!! I shall break downs the door and typed myself, even ifs I can'ts add any photos!

Ands then on tops of all fhat, she be tellings us all about Great Grandma comings to move in wif us on the 10th of Janauarys. I is pretty sure thats likes only a few moments aways!! Great Grandma is fines for the visitings 'cause she luves kitties and is always tryings to get us to come to her and be petted, which, cause I is a beautiful mancat I do not allows it. But anywhays, if Momma is taking care of Great and feedings her meals and takings her shoppings and goings to People-Vet visits, whens is she suppose to sit downs and let me snuggles????????

Oh Momma says I has to clarified somethings for our friend Adan. Its abouts Momma's teeth. Her teeth is fine, even though they aren't sharp and pretty like mine. However, she be wanting her teeth to be white, like a movie stars! So that is why she has to have this stuff in her mouth for two hours a night. And she be wanting us to say Fank You for the persons who gave us advice on how to help Momma stop droolings!

Dec 14, 2007

Admire my furryness

Author: Belle
This is a picture that our friend at Zoolatry did awhiles back. I think I look freaking adorable and you all better agree. ;)
Lately I have started realizing I am growing into a ladycat. I have of course always been a proper gentlecat, but now I have started thinking about boycats in a different way. Not to worry, my older brothers are still annoying and stinky...but some of the other boycats out there sure are looking handsome. I think I'll start scouting out the best ones to get better aquainted.

Oh I have to tell you about this because I think its hilarious. Momma went to the people dentist and she wanted to have a bright white smile for Kissymouse(it was on sale too, half price this month!!!) So she had a custom impression of her teeth done. She had to bite into this ewwy gooey pink stuff and then a week later the dentist gave her this thing that looks just like her teeth. Now she is suppose to put this stuff in it and put it in her mouth for 2 hours everyday. The problem is, Momma can't stop drooling while she has it in her mouth!! Its very funny! Does anyone else have a momma or poppa who has done this and did they have a drooling issue too??