Why haven't you posted pictures of me recently,MEOW!
Well its been a while since I lasted posted, alot of things have happened...been busy.
Had a sad thing happen with MeiLin. She went missing for about 2 weeks, and then finally came home limping. I gave her a 24 hour time to see if it was just swollen, sprained or if it was hurt worse. She never complained and was so sweet about it. I took her into the vet and they did x-rays. Turns out her leg was broken in such a way that the only choices were to either to have the 1800 dollar pin surgery, the 800 dollar amputation or to put her to sleep.
I was bawling and so upset, I haven't cried that hard in a really long time. I couldn't leave her in pain, and I didn't have any way to come up with even 800 dollars. So I made the difficult choice to put her down. I cried on the phone, in the car on the drive back, and again while at the vets office.
I signed the paperwork and was going into the room to hold MeiLin and comfort her in her last moments. I was so very very sad...and at the last possible moment, as I am holding her in my arms again, the vet tech comes back in and says the vet is willing to do the surgery if I surrender MeiLin. They would pay for all her future costs and find her a good home. My choice at this point was either to have her die or to give her away to another family. I said "of course, yes, I will surrender her!!!!!" It was a hard thing leaving her forever, but I will know in my heart that I have made the right choice for her well being. I miss her horribly, however my other pets are keeping me so occupied that I am not able to dwell on it too much.
I have a dog I am fostering till she goes to her new home on the 30th and I got a new kitten from the neighbors. I wanted to wait a few more weeks before bringing it home,so that Jesse would be in her new home and not scaring the kitten .
I had been down there to see the kitten a couple of weeks ago already and knew right away I wanted it...but they were going to give them all away this weekend, so I brought the new baby home. I'm not exactly sure if its a boy or a girl, I think its a boy...but will know for sure in about 2 weeks when things get more pronounced.
If its a girl her name will be Nefertiti and if its a boy his name will be Napolean.
I'll try to start updating a few times a week. Look forward to getting back in the swing of things, to help take my mind of my loss.