Hunter really enjoys his Gizzy Quilt!
We talks with our newest bests friend and her momma said it was a-ok to tells you who she is! She is
Poppy Q!! She ands her momma is the one that sents us that great lookings Gizzy Quilt! We loves her sooo much for beings such a greats kitty and persons! Pop into her bloggie and say hi's to her!! You'll really like hers onces you meet her!!
I have been tagged by the
Mighty Yao-Lin for a Meme: Seven Things About Me!
The guidelines for this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. Write some facts about yourself: some random, some weird, some just plain fun.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them)
4. Let those 7 people know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
The challenge is to keep it interesting without making the reader think “Um, too much information…”
1. We has never dones a meme before! This bloggie has been passed from bean to kitty for well overs a year, and somehows we hasn't never done a meme before!
2. I, Napoleon, controls most of what happens. Here in the bloggie and in the house!
3. Momma says I has to share, I do not agree. I is a mighty Meezer! I see somethings, it is mine. I see my brofur, Hunter, playings with is mine. I see momma nibbling on something, it is mine. I finks you see the pattern.
4. I has never potty outsides the litterbox even ons the first days here! However, I have helped to teach Belle, my sisfur, how to go potty in the box...but leave special "drops" all over the places. This is fun for us kitties, and good punishments for our momma whens she leaves us alone too much.
5. I has a teeny tiny kinks in my tail! You cants see it, but if you is pettings me you can feel its.
6. I gets red eye, even whens there is no camera. I practices in the mirrors all day just so I can freak outs my momma. I am startings to practice laser eyes next, but nots having any successes yet.
7. I plan to join up with all my meezer brethern all overs the world soon. We shall enslaves the human race and makes them serve us fresh tunas and tempytasiuns all the time. We haven'ts set a date yet for our rebellions but we is totally gonna works on it as soon as we finish destroyings your houses when you isn't looking.
The kitties we wants to tag:
Poppy Q of course!
The Kitties over at 40 Paws Luxor the whitest of boys Tara Princess Meezer but she alreadys got tagged.
We thinks we only has 3 that hasn't been tagged...buts that hard enough to finds, if we didn't tag you and you hasn't already dones this...then we tags you now! Your IT!!