As promised, more information about the furry invader! To start off, here is a photo of her admiring her cute self in the closet door mirror.
Yes, its hard to see her blurry self. But thats cause she never sits still. Unless its nap time....
Uh oh, have awakened the petite princess! Soon it shall be time to play again!! 
Ok, so lets do a little introduction... The photos of the sweet little invader are of MeiLin. She is about 5-7 months old (guessing). She has a very sad little tale to tell.
One day a wonderfully kind lady was walking her dogs on a wooded path near her home. She paused in her walk, sure that she had heard something. Yes, there was definetly a very distressed sound coming from further ahead. She walked and walked and the sound got louder...MEOW!!! She came to a little scaredy kitty! The kind lady saw that there were no homes nearby that this kitty could belong to and so she scooped her up and walked all the way back home. The little lost and scared kitty curled up quite happily in her arms the whole way back. The very kind lady fed her and then made posters, put an ad in the newspaper, and put ads on the internet. Maybe, this kitty belonged to someone and they were desperatly looking for her? But her experiences in this area were telling her, that this poor adorable kitty had most likely been dumped! Yes, DUMPED out in the woods...all alone, use to being someones loved and pampered long do you think scared kitty would have lasted if the kind lady had not come and rescued her?
How did I end up with the kitty, you might be asking? Well, as many of you know I lost my darling Rajjah a few weeks ago. I've been very heartbroken and upset. I miss her so much. As more and more time passes and she doesn't come home I am beginning to accept that she might not be coming back. I decided a few days ago, that I needed to do something productive to help animals. I called a friend of mine who lives in a town I use to live in. She fosters tons of unwanted cats and kittens. I thought, maybe she could use an extra foster home...I would feed and care for some kitties and find them new homes...and some of the burden on this nice lady would be lifted. Usually she doesn't ask, but is always happy when I volunteer. And I thought, maybe if I'm doing something good and nice...maybe my heart won't hurt so much.
So I called up my friend, only to find out that there had been a very sick kitty that had some contagious disease. The person who dumped this cat out on my friends property probably knew about the illness...but didn't care enough to take their furry friend to the vet. :( So, very sad news...alot of the kittens and nursing mothers had gotten ill. My friend is fighting a very saddening battle, and has lost alot of the kittens. She thought it best that since I have cats at home, it would not be good to bring any of the cats from her home to the disease might still be contagious.
So now I was sad for myself, my aunt (who lost her kitty to old age), and for my friend who had lost some of her fosters. I really wanted to help, but I also didn't want to just adopt another cat...because there is no way that any kitty could replace Rajjah. There might be an addition...but never a replacement.
Back to the kind lady who had picked up scaredy little kitty. She had the advertisment online that said she had found a kitty. I saw that it was a few days old...and I thought, whatever happens to these lost and found kitties if someone doesn't claim them? Do they all find new homes with their rescuers or do they go to the pound?? So rather tentatively at first, I wrote to the kind lady and asked if anyone had claimed the kitty...and I offered my home just incase no one did.
It was a good thing that I did...because the kind lady has four kitties of her own as well as a beautiful dog and really wasn't looking to permanently adopt another kitty. I'm sure she would have found a loving and wonderful home for this kitty, but how much better for is a kitty that was very obviously (at some point) loved, pampered, and cared for. All the furry one wants is to be loved, to be around you always. She has a tiney cute little meow, and a very affectionate nature. So, I get to take in a cat that has had a weirdly sad start to her young life...the kind lady has room in her home to take in another lost kitty in the future, at least for a few days till owners are found...and I get to introduce you all to MeiLin, the adorable and wonderful new addition to my family.